
viernes, febrero 11, 2022

Related to the MAS ask for the resignation of Senator Padilla, accused of rape

 The Intercultural Women ask that the crime not go unpunished and suggest the expulsion of the blue party parliamentarian. The issue gained strength due to the investigation of unpunished cases from the Government.

After the arrest and transfer to Santa Cruz of Hilarión Padilla Mamani, substitute senator of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) for La Paz, who is accused of rape, from the peasant sector they ask for his resignation and his expulsion from the blue party.

It was precisely the leader of Mujeres Interculturales, Cristina Galeán, the spokeswoman who asked for Padilla's resignation, emphasizing that the act of rape should not go unpunished. "Whoever has committed the crime has to pay for it even though he is from the MAS. Ethically, he has to say 'see you later,'" she told the media.

The leader pointed out that, as members of the political instrument, they are not going to allow this to go without a sentence and pointed out that justice is not reliable, for which they expect a severe sanction against the official senator.

At the moment, the Ethics Commission of the Upper House is evaluating Padilla's situation. “A whole process must be carried out, there are specific business days to meet in the commission. A formal complaint must be filed. The defendant has 15 days to respond to any accusation, the complaint must be accompanied by proper evidence, the commission analyzes and decides whether to admit the complaint. We do not act ex officio,” said the president of the commission, Luis Adolfo Flores (MAS).

The MAS senator has an arrest warrant since October of last year. Despite the fact that the Sixth Investigating Court for Anti-Corruption and Violence Against Women, in Santa Cruz, had requested cooperation from their peers in La Paz, the seat of government did nothing to apprehend the accused.

However, the issue gained strength after the government announced that it would investigate the cases that had gone unpunished and where prosecutors and judges had favored the accused.

According to the complaint, the victim told prosecutors that she had worked in the MAS campaign and was asking for a job. The senator who was friendly with her family asked the girl to travel to La Paz and offered her jobs at the General Personal Identification Service (Segip) or at YPFB.

The victim traveled to the seat of government together with her mother and surprised Padilla Mamani who was waiting alone for the girl. Even so, it was on that trip that he took the opportunity to sexually harass her and the victim returned to Santa Cruz. After a while she was able to relate the events to her mother. So they decided to file the complaint against the MAS senator.

It is expected that in the next few hours, the senator will be seated in the dock and his precautionary hearing will be installed.

Hilarión Padilla is currently being held in the police cells of Santa Cruz, awaiting his precautionary hearing.

Senator Padilla, accused of rape

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